Download files from putty to local machine
PuTTY should come with scp client pscp. You can use it from command line: pscp user@host:source target. Where user and host refer to the server you are connecting to. Source is the path to the file on server, and target is path to where you want to save the file on your client. If you are using Linux client, your system possibly already has scp. · How do I transfer files from putty to Windows? Download PSCP. Open command prompt and type set PATH=file. In command prompt point to the location of the using cd command. Type pscp. use the following command to copy file form remote server to the local system pscp [options] [ user@ ]host:source target. · pscp -P 22 root@/root/ After hitting Enter, type or paste in the password when it prompts you. How to Copy Files from Remote to Local. In the command prompt, execute the following command to copy a remote file on server with IP address of called onto the desktop of your local computer.
Note: WinCP or Putty may be used, the below example, PSCP (Putty) will be used. 1. Download and install Putty onto the workstation. 2. Open a Command Prompt terminal and change directories to the Putty-installation-path. Tip: Browse to the Putty installation path C:\Program Files (x86)\Putty\ using the Windows Explorer. Otherwise Windows to Linux copying (or vice-versa) won't work without something like Samba or a network file server configured. C:\temp\ -r luuk@*. Using keyboard-interactive authentication. I think if it transfered successfully thus that means It was really in your local machine. How to download a file via SSH This particular guide covers one specific feature - downloading files over SSH. There are a few benefits SSH may offer in terms of downloading files: The connection is encrypted all the way through, so you may not worry about the fact that files may get compromised during the transfer.
Download file using ssh. Ask Question Asked 10 years, 6 months ago. Active 9 years, 10 months ago. Viewed 10k times 0 I have ssh root access at a server and I need to download, then upload a file to it. I use putty on my local machine, connect and can do anything. But I don't know how to download the file:). SSH File Transfer with PuTTY How to upload and download files through SSH using PuTTY (for Windows users) In this tutorial we'll show you how to transfer files from your local computer to your hosting account and vice versa through SSH (Secure Shell) using PuTTY. pscp -P 22 root@/root/ After hitting Enter, type or paste in the password when it prompts you. How to Copy Files from Remote to Local. In the command prompt, execute the following command to copy a remote file on server with IP address of called onto the desktop of your local computer.