Is 5.8 mbps download good for ps4
Answer (1 of 10): Assuming you are in India, it is slightly better than average to have a 5Mbps connection. You can stream youtube in p just fine. Maybe even full p. For a single or couple devices it should be fine but if you have multiple devices using thw internet then you will struggle. · So if you like to download videos, music, or other large files – especially multiple simultaneously – you’ll get a better experience with higher Mbps. More users = need more Mbps As an aside, there’s another thing you need to take into account when figuring out how many Mbps you really need: the number of users in your household. · We recommend a 5 Mbps connection or faster to play games online. But keep in mind that no amount of speed is going to stop your game from lagging if your latency ranges into the hundreds of milliseconds. There’s a lot more to a good internet connection than just a fast download speed. If you’re cringing at the thought of going through the Author: Peter Christiansen.
@Matroska your math is way off. Mbps is approximately MBps. Sony PS4 NIC's are extremely optimized for latency and not download rate. Sony PS4 NIC's are extremely optimized for latency. Search the world's information, including webpages, images, videos and more. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what you're looking for. Required upload speeds are between Mbps and Mbps. For p video at 60 frames per second, the bitrate range is 4, to 9, kbps. In upload speeds, that means between Mbps and 11 Mbps. For p video at 30 frames per second, the bitrate range is 6, to 13, kbps.
Answer (1 of 5): Because bps and Bps are not the same unit. Bps is bytes per second, bps is bits per second. Pay attention to the capitalisation, and be sure to use the correct one when discussing. Several speed tiers that could be considered slow when streaming videos in HD or using Wi-Fi connections are: Less than 1 Mbps download speed, 3 Mbps, 5 Mbps, 10 Mbps, 15 Mbps. Although less than 25 Mbps is recommended for various online tasks, these do not account for connecting many devices or other factors slow down your internet connections. While the best internet speed for gaming depends on the console you're using, most video game console manufacturers recommend at least 3 Mbps of download speed, and Mbps to 1 Mbps of upload speed as “good internet speed”. The minimum internet connection speed for gaming: Download speed: 3 Mbps. Upload speed: Mbps.