The biblical flood and the ice epoch pdf download
The Biblical Flood and the Ice Epoch - Free download as PDF File .pdf), Text File .txt) or read online for free. It is impossible to read Patten's account of Noah's Flood without being deeply stunned and absolutely awestruck at the immense, overwhelming magnitude of the cataclysms which composed the Heavenly Wrath poured forth by YHWH on the rebellious inhabitants of the ancient world. The Biblical Flood and the Ice Epoch by Mr. Donald W. Patten - all can be downloaded for personal study. The Biblical flood and the ice epoch: a study in scientific history. Pacific Meridian Publ. Co., Seattle. p. $ The author of this remarkable work holds B.A. and M.A. degrees in geography from University of Washington. In , in his second year in college, he experienced a religious conversion.
the theory was distinctly propounded that the.. Flood was the last throe of the glacial period Toward the close of the glacial period the weight of the enormou~ accumulations of ice and snow had become so great over vast regions in the higher latitudes of the northern hemis phere that ·the. crust of the earth at last gave way, and. The Biblical Flood and the Ice Epoch - Free ebook download as PDF File .pdf), Text File .txt) or read book online for free. Geologist-turned-pastor, Donald W. Patten came to believe that there was a connection between the great flood of Noah and the ice ages on planet earth. In an age dominated by uniformitarian group think, Patten makes a strong, clear case for our world changing quickly. before and after the "great flood," which show the same phenomenal life span changes mentioned in the Bible. Actually, records of a global flood are found throughout most ancient cultures. For instance, the Epic of Gilgamesh from the ancient Babylonians contains an extensive flood story.
A Global Flood or a Local Flood. The History of Catastrophism and Uniformitarianism. Past Celestial Catastrophies. The Tidal Nature of the Biblical Flood. Orogenesis: The Cause of Global Mountain Uplifts. Glaciogenesis: The Cause of the Ice Epoch. Model of the Flood Catastrophe. Astral Catastrophism In Ancient Literature. The Biblical flood and the ice epoch: a study in scientific history. Pacific Meridian Publ. Co., Seattle. p. $ The author of this remarkable work holds B.A. and M.A. degrees in geography from University of Washington. In , in his second year in college, he experienced a religious conversion. THE ICE AGE AND ITS TIMELINE IMPLICATIONS Our best-known creationist Ice Age model has now been around since , when Oard published An Ice Age Caused by the Genesis Flood. As the book’s title states, his basic thesis is that climatic conditions in place at the end of the Flood set things in motion for the onset of the Ice Age.