App store keeps looping after signing in to download
· I had the exact same issue on Mac App store when I tried to download a free app. It was looping between Get and Install. I tried all the above mentioned suggestions but what worked for me was signing out from my App store and logging back in. In the short term, you could pause the download or turn off your networking and then sign out of the store. At that point, rebooting and trying again - waiting longer between attempts is a good first attempt. · App Store infinite sign in loop. When I try to buy an app, I am asked to enter password, then told my apple ID has not been used in the store (or for iTunes), and I need to review my account. When I hit review, I get the sign in window again. And this loop appears to go on and on. And help would be greatly appreciated.
Select the paused items and click 'Download' icon. If it doesn't fix the issue, go to your Mac/Windows and launch iTunes. Login to iTunes 'Account' 'Check for Available Downloads' key in password 'Return' or 'Enter' key. The items will start auto-downloading. Solution 4: Reset your iPhone/iPad. Sign into iTunes store keeps popping issue. Specifically, this alert might stop you from using the iTunes Store or the App Store, with a message that says: This Apple ID has not yet been used with the App Store. Please review your account information. This Apple ID has not yet been used with the iTunes Store. Tap Review to sign in, then review your account information. Microsoft app store is an official marketplace for downloading apps, including some exclusive Windows app. So, you may feel more vexing when this official apps store does not work properly. For instance, the problem "Microsoft store keeps updating the same apps Windows 10" may cause your hard drive full if it is not fixed timely.
Device already has company portal app which is broker app for android and authenticator app for iOS. If the user doesn't have broker app installed on android device when trying to authenticate for the first time,(the broker app can be either the Microsoft Authenticator for iOS),user will be redirected to store to install broker app. This leaves you stuck in a loop. I'd be happy to help! First, quit the App Store app using the steps here: Force an app to close on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch. Then restart your iPhone following the instructions in this article: Restart your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch. After the iPhone is back on, try downloading an app again. Solution 3: Check the Paused Download in App Store or iTunes Store. Launch iTunes app on your iPhone and click 'More ' 'Downloads' enter 'Apple ID' and password if prompted. Select the paused items and click 'Download' icon. If it doesn't fix the issue, go to your Mac/Windows and launch iTunes.